Our Mission (What we are trying to accomplish today, and every day)
We strive to promote and coordinate concerted efforts across borders to improve service to Humanity through our projects and programs, all encapsulated in one portfolio:
- Initiate outreach and fundraising programs for donations of all kinds to the underprivileged classes of people mentioned in our vision and connect them directly to their benefactors.
- Organize and coordinate educational exchange programs across continents that will adjust inequalities caused by the culture of the mind, curriculum models, structures and infrastructure in the world.
- Add value to today’s good-will actions in the domains of leadership, financial fitness and sustainable social entrepreneurship.
This will happen through a carefully thought-out value-added chain of restaurants, farms, and other related earned income models for the underprivileged mentioned in our Vision, with adapted training centers under LEGACY ACADEMY and other hand-picked associated institutions.
- Build a chain of academies that will enhance the transfer science and technology to developing nations for sustainability.
- Identify global environment issues and contribute to addressing them through the most rational approaches available.

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